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User Research



Jan–Apr 2021


Collaboration with the Department of Architecture, with support from Philips Experience Design ASEAN Pacific unit, to uncover new, design-driven insights that are provocative, and meaningful and position healthcare within the broader framework of designing for distributed care.



Distributed healthcare (DHC) is the concept of providing decentralised care services and moving these services closer to the person in need. As a team, we explored how the concept of DHC could demonstrate an empathetic understanding of users’ needs on a global transit level.

User Research | Secondary Research

To understand the healthcare field we are working with, we went on a deep dive to gain insights and knowledge on what are some of the existing responsibilities to safeguard our existing ground as a starting point.


We started out with a diverged approach, looking into a spectrum of healthcare possibilities. We then found high resonance to transit hubs and its potential in connecting users across the globe.

User Research | Primary Research

To primarily find out existing user gaps, pain-points and motivations in terms of healthcare, we got the opportunity to speak to a range of users who are involved with the transit care.



Pioneer Quarantined

"Dehumanising, you definitely feel like you are some sort of Subject, walk-in one line, within the row, you are not being told anything,"


Cabin Crew (Air Stewardess)

"she was still very giddy she couldn't walk straight [...] it was a full flight we couldn't offer her anything"


Cabin Crew (Ground Staffs)

“Process is easy but the cost? Is really really high.”


Regular Healthcare Visitor

“Fear mongering in indonesian doctors [...] Indonesians like to go to singapore [...] they have trust in the doctors or medical facilities.”


Regular Healthcare Visitor

“Waiting at arrival was a bit too long [...] staff processing arrival [...] waited for 20 mins for the ambulance at the airport for all our documents to be processed and released.”

Research Synthesis

Philips - Final Presentation.jpg

The interview helped inform a series of essential design attributes and findings that aided us in identifying our scope. We sat down as a team, and analysed the key quotes through affinity mapping, we came up with 4 key headers that address what are the project priorities.

Primary Personas

After conducting user interviews, we gained a deeper understanding of users on seeking healthcare services abroad, we developed 3 primary personas to uncover our users’ wants and needs helped us to empathise with their difficulties in seeking the right healthcare overseas.

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Stakeholder Mapping

While developing our personas, we concurrently developed the stakeholder maps that serve the closest resonance to our users. This is to aid us in understanding the underlying connection between each stakeholder and users. As well as the roles they play in fulfiling the user journey in seeking healthcare overseas.


Opportunity Statement

What if, every airport in the world had their own medical wing, and because of reduced barriers of travel. Receiving quality healthcare can be as easy as flying to another country to get the healthcare that you desire?

Design Principles

To primarily find out existing user gaps, pain-points and motivations in terms of healthcare, we got the opportunity to speak to a range of users who are involved with the transit care.

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Bring healthcare into other industries to break away from the institutionalised structure of healthcare.

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Increased convenience and
receptiveness towards patients’ needs.

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Addressing the desirability for a higher quality of health care at lower prices.

Primary Design Iterations

Philips - Final Presentation (1).jpg
Philips - Final Presentation (2).jpg
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Envisioned Mapping

Scenario Stories

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Final Design

In 2030, we imagine a world of healthcare without borders, a globally interconnected system of healthcare at every airport.

Interface Details (Paperprototype)

After identifying some of the critical gaps in the independent planning of seeking care overseas, we came up with a simple and easy to use interface that houses all the information and procedures that our users have go through.


Website Design

Final Design


The Narrative

Personal emotional rating to this project:


Designed With

Image by Filipp Romanovski
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Image by Filipp Romanovski

Joel Ng

Thank you for reading!

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